The founding of KAG AtlantiK late in January 1997 was in fact a defining moment for the IKV SonchIy.
In the Independence Declaration, a list of this ships and the names of the crews had been posted. We were to find out later that in some cases, the individuals had not been consulted prior to the release of the document, nor did they approve of their names being used.
The reasons given for the exodus were:
The Command Staff of KAG Kanada were not listening to the voices and concerns of Eastern Canada;
Promotions were too slow for the work that was being done in Eastern Canada; and
There was too much politics in KAG Kanada
I was singled out. I was accused of Elitism, of stealing members from ships in the Halifax area and making a statement at a Squadron meeting that I found Floyd amusing. There was a rumor that I was bribing the members of the IKV SonchIy with the SonchIy jackets; I was plotting to take the Squadron away from Floyd
I took this very personally. Some members of the SonchIy had been approached to see if they wanted to jump ship. I felt that if Floyd and Lloyd were going to justify themselves by discrediting me, then I could do the same. I approached Rob and Jason. I laid out my plan and asked if they would support this as a course of action. Emotions and resolve were definitely there.
I then phoned Alan, the Ice Dragon Fleet Commander, and presented my plan. Alan was cool about my proposed course of action and suggested we talk with the Commanding Officer, KAG Kanada, John Gannon. We made a conference call to John. I again explained what was happening, and John's response was to do nothing. The best course of action would be to take the high road and prove why KAG Kanada was the better club.
I went back to Rob and Jason and told them to stand down. We would just have to prove why we were the better club through our actions. We would focus more on the SonchIy's membership, and the events we were doing.
Some time later, Jason called me at home and told me there was someone I should talk with. His name is Sean. I knew Sean by reputation, but I would have been hard pressed to pick him out of a crowd.
I went to Jason's house for a clandestine meeting with his friend Sean. Sean is a big man, powerful in build and powerful in personality. In Sean's world there are three classes of people. Friends, strangers and targets. I am not a stranger and I think on occasion I have been a target.
Sean was up on charges. Floyd was the judge. His Cha'DIch was Doug, and I was playing catch up trying to figure this out and why I was talking to Sean. According to the Klingon Legal system the accused is denied combat privileges and the Cha'DIch must physically defend him.
Sean was not happy with the current situation, and while talking to Jason, had his facts about the injustices turned upside down. I asked Sean to tell me what he had been told.
Sean had been told that KAG Kanada had been plotting to take the Black Ice Squadron away from Floyd. Floyd was to have been tossed out of the club. This is in addition to what I had already heard. There was a plan in place, because of the activity in Halifax, the Fleet Commander, Alan, was considering forming a new squadron in Nova Scotia. Alan was being groomed for the position of Commanding Officer KAG Kanada, and Kevin would have been promoted to Deputy Fleet Commander under Joe in St John NB.
Sean also brought up the story about how I was buying jackets for the members of my crew. I asked him if he wanted one. I told Sean that if he wanted a jacket, he would have to buy it himself. I had made the crest available. The retailer had the graphic in their computer, and for twelve dollars more, they would put it on the jacket or any item of clothing.
As a result of this discussion, I phoned Alan. The people who had left, could be victims of misinformation. We decided to offer an "amnesty" to those who wanted to return to KAG Kanada with full reinstatement to the ranks and honorifics they had left with. I also wanted the accomplishments while members of KAG Atlantik to be recognized. I wanted a policy of reconciliation.
To that end, I encouraged members of KAG Atlantik to participated in KAG Kanada events. Officially, we were not to have any interaction with KAG Atlantik. The reality of this was the membership of KAG Atlantik were friends of the membership of KAG Kanada. The line that was drawn was by Lloyd and Floyd.
The last direct involvement we had with KAG Atlantik was in March 1998. The SonchIy had been doing Jail 'N Bails with Dooley's, a chain of billiard clubs in the Halifax area. I received a phone call one night from the manager of the Halifax branch. We had just completed Jail 'N Bails at the Bedford and Sackville locations. Two people had walked in to the Halifax location and claimed ownership of the two Jail 'N Bails in Sackville and Bedford and wanted to set one up in Halifax. When the manager asked specific questions, they were unable to give answers or first hand experience of what had happened at the Jail N' Bails. The other issue the manager had was he was already working with me.
By July 1998, KAG Atlantik was defunct. This was also the genesis of the transformation of the IKV SonchIy into the SonchIy Squadron.
To be fair Paul, occasionally Sean (Red) has probably considered you a strange target. ;-)